The Israel Story
About The Israel Story
The Israel Story is a non-profit organization dedicated to sharing the unique role that Israel and the Jewish people play in God’s story of redemption for all of mankind. By doing so, we seek to declare the gospel message, combat anti-Semitism, and help align believers in Jesus with God’s love and redemptive purposes for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.

What Story is God Telling?
Israel Story Study

God is a communicator, and the Israel story is the story that He is telling. Many people throughout history, who were able to experience and hear God’s story, told it and wrote it down. Others guarded over it, literally letter by letter, so that it could be preserved for generations to come, for you and me. This story is found in the Bible. Central characters in the Bible story are the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, not just in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament too, not just in the past, but in the present and the future, as well. In order to understand The Story — God’s story as well as our story — it is essential that we understand the Israel story. That’s the objective. That’s what our journey together, is all about.
— John Myers
Why is The Israel Story Important?
There is a Big Story that encompasses all of our smaller stories. It is the story that God is telling and it is found in the pages of the Bible. The central characters in this story are the Jewish people and the nation of Israel, not just in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament, not just in the past, but in the present and the future, as well. As you might expect, the hero of the Israel Story is a Jew. His name is Jesus, Yeshua in Hebrew.
The essence of the Israel Story, its through-line, its central theme, is the gospel message. God’s relationship with the Jewish people and the nation of Israel is the most powerful, in-your-face, real-world declaration of the gospel.
In our time, when life on earth is changing at a breathtaking pace, when faith, family, and societal foundations are shaking, when information is zipping around our planet in quantities and at speeds never dreamed of before, the reality of Israel stands as an immovable, unchangeable declaration of God’s faithfulness, the truth of His Word, and the gospel message.
— John Myers
“John Myers was born and raised in a Reform Jewish family in Williamsport, PA. He was part of the counterculture of the 1960’s, dropping out of numerous universities and colleges, wandering through the Balearic Islands south of Spain, the North Shore of Oahu, and Berkeley, CA, living a life of substance abuse and immorality. In 1972, he became a follower of Yeshua (Jesus). Over the next 20 years, Yeshua led him on a journey from hippy to bank president, from broken, ungodly relationships to the care of a wife and six children. In 1992, John, his wife Dariel, and five of their six children immigrated to Israel and settled in Jerusalem, where John founded and led a congregation of believers in Yeshua. In 2010, John and Dariel returned to the United States to journey through various iterations of what has become The Israel Story. In John’s words, “The Israel Story is a distillation of life lessons learned (often the hard way) walking with Yeshua, upheld by His mercy and grace, and the message God has given me about His plan, purpose, and love for the Jewish people, the nation of Israel, and all of mankind.”
John Myers
Founder & Teacher
“Chris was born in Boulder, Colorado. He was raised by two incredible, loving parents. He has travelled extensively (over 30 countries) doing both mission-related work and photography. He lived in Israel for a little less than two years during his early 20’s, which is where he connected with the Myers family. He has worked with Nikon, Sony, and Rolling Stone Magazine as a photographer and has also been a founder of four different technology companies over the last decade. During his first stay in Israel, more than a decade ago, the Lord spoke to him about a bridge that He wanted to build between Israel and the Church. Chris had no idea what this meant at the time or how long it would take to bring to fruition, but a decade later Chris is answering the call to be a part of this bridge. In his off-time, Chris loves motorcycles, hiking, hunting, training, photography, travel and basically anything else that sounds like you could make an adventure out of it.”
Christopher Kuehl
Feel free to contact us with any questions.